3 Reasons why TikTok needs to be a part of your next social media campaign

April 28, 2020| Written By: Marissa Anaya

Like many others during this time of being at home I have spent countless hours on my phone watching TikToks. Tiktok is a Chinese video-sharing social networking service where you can share and create videos.  It’s one of the fastest-growing social media platforms on the market, with over 1.5 billion downloads. It provides users with endless amounts of entertaining videos, leaving you glued to your phone and scrolling for days.

As a PR professional, staying on top of social media trends is crucial and using them to your advantage is necessary for the success of campaigns. Here are three reasons why you need TikTok  as part of your next campaign: 

  1. Relevance

    TikTok offers the opportunity to express creativity. It’s  currently the most downloaded app within the Apple App store, making it a great way to spread your message.  If your target audience is within ages 18-24 TikTok is perfect for you. This platform understands the habits and preferences of this age group and gives its audience exactly what they’re looking for. 

  2. Authenticity

    Unlike many other social media platforms, TikTok thrives with authenticity. Authenticity is important when choosing which brands to support. It allows users to see brands on a more personal level through easy-going and entertaining videos. Creating a TikTok for your brand can allow users to understand company values and morals without even realizing it.  

  3. Engagement 

    With over 800 million active monthly users TikTok is continuously growing. Videos are becoming more popular in online communities and are being shared on other social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. According to a 2019 BusinessofApps report, TikTok users spend an average of 52 minutes per day on the app. Additionally, with TikTok you have the possibility of reaching audiences in over 155 different countries. 

With the increased use of mobile devices, social media sites will continue to grow. It’s important to be strategic and authentic when deciding which platforms are the right fit. TikTok is a great way to reach audiences all over the world and it will continue to grow and thrive. 


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