3 Useful Tips To Avoid “Senioritis”

Written by: Liza Rivera

Senior slump? Pulling all nighters? I think we’ve all felt that at one point in our last year of college. You start thinking about, “graduation and where your career is going to go next, just wanting to slack since it’s your last year”. Believe it or not the real world is approaching and while that may cause a pinch of anxiety, give yourself a pat on the back for making it this far. With so many things going on outside of your life, school work is the last thing on your mind. Sometimes I forget how close I am to the finish line, and realize that it’s not the time to slow down! Senior year can be extremely overwhelming with a million projects due, internships, and deadlines that creep up at the end of the semester. You have to approach senior year with a positive attitude and make sure you stay on top of all your responsibilities and not leave everything last minute.  Here are 3 useful tips to keep in mind when senioritis kicks in. 


1. Procrastination- This is one of the most common diseases that attack college students, especially your senior year. You get caught up with life, parties and next thing you know you have a 10-page paper due in the next 11 hours. Too much procrastination can lead to bad grades. Go to a cafe, get a coffee with shots of espresso, put your headphones on and start doing the work. Procrastination is one thing, not doing the work is a whole different story. For your own good, avoid it as much as possible. 


2. Stay organized- When you’re meeting deadlines, applying for graduate school, applying for jobs, organization will save you a lot of time.We always forget to hit save right? Google Drive saves automatically and helps organize all of the work you’ve done throughout the semester. Download the file and access it whenever you go. Set up folders on your laptop with specific titles that will store all your work to keep your stuff in one place. Get a planner that will have important dates of when things are due and use your phone to set an alarm to remind you of things to meet all your deadlines on time! 


3. Reminisce all the hard work- With stress levels through the roof and a million deadlines due, it doesn’t hurt to take a little break.You cannot let 12 years of academic struggles go to waste because of being lazy or tired.  Step outside for some fresh air and always keep in mind how close you are to seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. If you have a city view or a beach that isn’t far, take a drive and just stare away letting your mind ponder. Keep in mind that school doesn’t last forever and neither does stress and everything is going to be okay. All the sleepless nights, and stress levels will pay off through all the hard work you constantly put in and keep in mind why you’re doing this college thing in the first place. Congratulations, and goodluck for what the future has in store for you! 


Stay hungry and motivated for the present and future keeping your eyes on the prize. Keep calm and appreciate all the new things you’re learning every single day. While it may be easier said than done, keep your head up and fight through this crippling disease we college students call “senioritis”.  


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