3 Ways to Learn How to Handle College

Sep 9, 2019 | Written By: Amanda Tzoc Rodriguez

As a senior in college, my stress levels have been pushed to the roof and it’s only getting more hectic. It’s only been three weeks, but that’s college. You learn the bumps and the highs of handling your course work, yourself, and anything in your life. For me, taking my version of a chill pill has helped me get through these last three years. Of course, there are various ways to de-stress, but I thought to share three key ways of how I went through my college years when times get tough. College is tough, living on your own is terrifying, finding who you are can be eye-opening, but you’re not alone!

3 Key Ways

  1. Time to breathe, whatever that means to you. For me, this means that I would lay in bed after a hectic day or find time to watch my favorite YouTubers. Time to breathe can mean time for you to relax and catch up on yourself. It’s hard to do this, especially when everything in your life seems to be non-stop. Yet, do not forget this, you are the most important part of your life. These five to ten minute breaks would help me get refreshed for the new tasks I have yet to conquer. Go work-out, read, fix your room, something that can help you move forward in the day.

  2. Take a break and enjoy your friends. Friendships are the key to helping me handle my stress. Sometimes, you feel that you’re bottled up with emotions or don’t have time to sit down with your friends to open up about what’s been going on in your life. Take that time to be with them, either in text or in person. For me, I was able to come to my friends with whatever hard or happy times going on during my week and that would help release my stress. Talking about your stress with whoever you feel close to can help you to not feel alone. I guarantee they may feel the same way and having people by your side to help you push through and listen can help you not feel bottled up with stress.

  3. Don’t forget to smell flowers, otherwise known as do things that make you happy. Personally, my way of smelling the flowers is a good day with friends at a concert. To you, it can be walking or hanging out with your friends at the nearest Buffalo Wild Wings. Yet, take time to go outside of your school life and enjoy your life. Enjoying what makes you happy, really helps you understand that times can get stressful but that does not mean you cannot have your own fun. Your own version of fun, whatever that may be, can give you that push to keep striving. College is a time where I learned how to de-stress myself. These three tips have helped me overcome times where it feels overwhelming. With that being said, to future or current college students, I hope that you can learn a few things from these tips and implement them in your life. You can feel alone in college, classes are more intense, you’re on your own at times; but I learned from all those breaking points, that you are stronger than you believe.


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