Register to Vote = Register for a New Tesla

November 7, 2020 | by Marc Blais

Whether one is on social media, turning on the television or listening to the radio, it seems no one can escape the constant ads, celebrities and posts telling people to register to vote, but the most successful voter registration campaign was actually done by an immigrant, David Dobrik. In early October, Dobrik posted a photo on Instagram about giving away a Tesla Model 3s, and to win it, all you had to do was share his post, tag a friend and make sure you were registered to vote at Apparently, Dobrik’s Tesla giveaway campaign led to over 120,000 people registering to vote. This campaign was not only successful in getting a large number of people to vote, but was extremely successful in bringing good publicity to Dobrik. 

Dobrik is a 24 year old immigrant from Slovakia who is well known for his widely popular Youtube videos. Some of Dobrik’s most popular videos are of him giving new cars to his friends and families, but now he has decided to give a new Tesla to a registered voter. Dobrik is an immigrant, so he can’t vote, but he was able to influence so many people to register to vote and participate in the upcoming election. 

From a public relations perspective, this campaign was extremely smart. It was focused around an important cause, voter registration, and it generated a lot of publicity for Dobrik. If people wanted a chance to win the Tesla, they had to share his Instagram post, which helped him generate circulation on social media to a new audience of people who may not follow him. The campaign also received attention from multiple news outlets. Through this campaign, Dobrik was able to boost voter registration, and boost his fan base and relevance, especially while his new television show, “Dodgeball Thunderdome,” is currently airing its first season.

One can check in on Dobrik on his new show “Dodgeball Thunderdome,” Youtube or on social media. It seems ironic, but it seems that one of the most successful voter registration campaigns done by an individual, was actually done by an individual who can’t register to vote.


Marc Blais is currently a senior at Cal State University Northridge (CSUN) studying Public Relations. He is scheduled to graduate in the Spring of 2021. Since being at CSUN, he has achieved the honors of making the Dean’s List. Blais is originally from Half Moon Bay, CA, a small town in Northern California, and he enjoys exercising, golfing, and spending time with his dog in his free time.


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