Clubhouse: An App with New Horizons for Networking

By Ashley King | April 11, 2021

When you ask someone well within the PR industry what the key is to getting high up in the industry, the answer is usually always this: networking, networking, NETWORKING! While networking is definitely a huge part, the difficulty can be knowing how and where to form those professional and even friendly relationships. On top of that, a worldly pandemic that prevents you from meeting others out at events surely does not help the matter at all. This is the moment where we are forced to rely on the wonderful world of technology that lies within the internet.

I know that we are all pretty much familiar with Zoom, and having to stand those boring work/class meetings (which you can admit are boring because we are all collectively thinking it). But more recently there has been an app that has surfaced called, “Clubhouse”. Clubhouse is an audio-based social media app, where the company itself describes it as “A new type of social product based on voice that allows people everywhere to talk, tell stories, develop ideas, deepen friendships, and meet interesting new people around the world.” Having this recommended to me by a friend and reading about it, I had to give it a shot.

When you first sign up, it only allows you in if a friend you know has an invite that they can spare you, which I thought was odd, but that is when I learned it was due to the fact that the app itself is so brand new that it is not fully public yet. Once you get in, it has you select your interests such as sports, entertainment, tech, arts, networking, and a lot more. Then there is a designated live feed that shows the many different chatrooms that are happening based on the certain interests you have selected, which I thought was super cool. These chatrooms are also held by individuals who are usually experts in that subject, so there is a TON to learn from in these rooms.

This is where I found the big opportunity for networking, as I had discovered the huge amount of rooms specifically created for networking in PR. These chatrooms are filled with PR professionals from companies that are very well known, and they hold these rooms specifically for the benefit of students or those just starting in the industry. They can invite you to speak to ask questions about the industry, or invite their other friends in the industry to offer their good advice as well. I love apps like these because you are able to have meaningful conversations, get meaningful advice, and be able to network with those professionals while making friends. All of these rooms are moderated as well, so any “trolls” trying to interfere with a room can easily be banned, which is always a good thing.

All in all, I would really recommend checking out the app if you happen to have a chance, because it offers a lot for networking and I have actually met some amazing people because of it, and have made some meaningful friendships. The good news is that the app has been rumored to be going completely public this coming May, so it is best to keep an eye out and get your hands on it as soon as you can.

Author Bio: Ashley King is a fourth-year senior at California State University Northridge, majoring in Journalism with an emphasis in Public Relations. Ashley has a huge passion in music and pop culture, and aims to work as a music publicist in the entertainment industry for some of her favorite artists.


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