5 Helpful Tips To Enhance Your PR Experience

Written By: Janice Early

For a student that’s about to graduate, it’s going to be difficult for me to find a job in the public relations (PR) field right after I graduate because I haven’t had any internships yet. As I look on my resume, I feel a sense of overwhelmedness because I didn’t have a lot of outside PR experience. Get an internship, it’s not that easy and sometimes things are standing in the way of that. Mine was transportation. Do you have something that’s standing in way? So here are some tips you can do to network and enhance your PR skills if you haven’t received an internship or any outside experience in public relations.


Here are tips that you should have:


1. Become a member of a PR-related club organization. Joining a club can enhance your networking skills in a personal and professional matter. They will provide guest speakers and workshops that can inform you of a variety of tips for resumes, cover letters, and interviews as well.


2. Enhance the skills that you aren’t proficient at. I’ve heard a lot of students say “I’m not really good at writing” or “I’m not a great public speaker”. Identify what to do for you to improve those skills, whether in technology, verbal, or physical and then learn.


3. Create your own website. This website can display your line of work within public relations. Insert press releases, blog posts, media kits, resume, and much more. This website can be displayed as outside creative content you have constructed to enhance your public relations experience.


4. Volunteer your public relations work for special events on campus. Volunteering is a great addition to put on your resume also enhancing your pr skills and your creative content.


5.Develop relationships with professors and faculty. Maybe a simple conversation or even going to their office hours can be beneficial. Making that connection with professors can help you build that network for yourself, be able to provide references, and guide you to internship opportunities.


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