How Influencers Redefine PR in a Digital Media Age

By Kylie Shannon | October 13, 2021

The power that social media holds over this generation is no surprise. From platforms such as Instagram, TikTok and YouTube, influencers are everywhere – doing what? Influencing. Digital media has allowed everyday people to create a presence for themselves on social media and accumulate a substantial following. PR has evolved from the world of traditional journalism into the form of product reviews, influencer partnerships and even mega brand collaborations. 


Brands and companies have also tapped into this new era of public relations and used it to their advantage. The way consumers are drawn into a product has changed so that they are able to consume the promoted content online at their fingertips. The combination of content, both paid and unpaid, and the aesthetic approach that users are already used to engaging in, is what the definition of PR has evolved into. From people watching their favorite influencer promote their cult favorite beauty product from a post on Instagram to watching another influencer show you how to use XYZ from a brand in their latest YouTube video, PR strategies are still existent, but in a relatable way. What makes this content so special? The trust and virtual connection influencers have with their audience. PR is no longer exclusive to just printed advertisements or billboards. PR’s niche in influencer media has evolved into brand partnerships/campaigns, influencer gifting, collaborations and much more. 


One example is when beauty vlogger Jaclyn Hill, collaborated with beauty brand Becca Cosmetics to create a universal shade of highlighter, which would soon be known as a cult favorite in the beauty world. From creating YouTube videos to showing how to use the product, to tagging the brand’s name on Hill’s Instagram beauty pictures, she created hype around her anticipated release – massive hype. The launch did extremely well and went on to sell over 25,000 units in 20 minutes, within hours of selling out completely. Not only did it do extremely well, but it drove traffic and marketing directly to Becca’s site. People who had never heard or used Becca products before, were now intrigued to try them out. As previously mentioned, the genuine trust between an influencer and their audience can create tremendous success, as seen with this collaboration. As for PR in general, the power it holds with this collaboration and the many more to follow will continue to sculpt our digital media age.


Author’s Bio: Kylie Shannon is a current student at CSUN majoring in Journalism with a focus in Public Relations and a minor in Entertainment Media Management. She is also on the board of CSUN’s Public Relations Student Chapter formally known as PRSSA, working directly on digital communications team. Kylie has a passion for entertainment along with beauty and hopes to attain a career in either industry after she graduates. During her free time, she enjoys writing beauty reviews, trying new coffee shops and testing out new makeup. 

Photo By: Kylie Shannon


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