The Distraction Virus: Coronavirus Shouldn’t Cause Hysteria

March 11, 2020| Written By: Gabe Krongold

Is Corona Virus really as serious as we think it is? Or is it just a scheme by the mainstream media to distract the public from real issues? 

In recent weeks, I have seen a gradual rise of hysteria in people around the world and my community. This is due to the constant hype the media is giving to the virus making it the top of everyone's concerns. 

As reported by Tamara Pearson from CounterPunch, although 3,000 people have sadly died from this illness we are still 13 times more likely to be killed by a car.    

I understand it is an illness that has taken lives and caused chaos around the globe. But so has the flu, war, smoking, alcohol, work and our president. 

This is not some plea trying to take anything away from the seriousness of the Corona Virus.

I just think that when half of the world is living off of a $5.50 a day wage maybe we shouldn’t get so hysteric every time there is a new virus introduced to us. 

Humanity has faced viruses and global pandemic before. What does everyone really think we’re all going to become zombies or something?

I mean that might be kind of cool, it definitely is a little change of pace from a normal day job.

But seriously this is not “The Walking Dead” we are going to be okay just like we have been with Swine Flu, Polio and The Black Death. 

It is time to check the mainstream capitalist media to focus on issues that are actually going to alter the future of the world. One’s like the 2020 election and who the current POTUS is messing with now. Instead of the media’s wasted recurring focus on this dreadful virus. 

We get it. We are going to get sick. We need to wash our hands and hide inside a cave forever, otherwise we’re going to die from Corona Virus.    


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