The Importance of Theming in Social Media

By Cesar Sandoval | December 1, 2021

Our eyes often tend to make judgment calls, whether we want to admit it or not. With that being said, if you want to have a successful social media account then your best choice is to have a course of action prior continuing to post.

The first and most obvious step to considering the theming of your social media would be subject matter. It is fine to post whatever you want for the purposes of a personal social media. When you begin to think about your social media as part of a business or important hobby is when you need to start thinking about what is going to be posted. The Spanish KFC Instagram ( is the perfect example of knowing what it wants to be in terms of subject matter. With this page, the subject matter from the get go is not only plain advertisement, but Avant Garde and ironic comedy that gets people to follow the page. An endless source of KFC advertisement is curated for little to no money at all, without forcing it onto users.

The second step is having a great color scheme that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also one that can be considered to be the brand of the subject matter… something that can be considered to be yours just by the colors being scene. This does not have to be done in a completely brand-new way never before seen, but should make since in context such as a homey themed page being colored in pastel light colors or a party page being bathed in neon bright colors. Everyone has their own opinions on what is visually pleasing with colors even if those colors are made to strain your eyes that being said finding a foothold in a subject will help moving on with colors people will enjoy on their feed with the content being given.

The third step would have to be timing in two fronts with the first being the selection of optimal times to post something in a day. Thankfully, key times for engagements are made public by Instagram, indicating that Monday through Friday, 10 A.M. to 3 P.M., is the optimal time to post on social media. Not only that but tragic events and national holidays must me kept in mind for specific content to be posted.

Other than these steps, the most powerful thing you could use is hashtags to get into other people's feeds based on their preferences. Creating a personal page for yourself on social media takes way more thought than simply posting selfies and liking interesting things you come across. This is why enough planning makes it easy to work with and powerful enough to be used as a PR tool.


Author’s Bio: Cesar is a Senior majoring in Public Relations with a minor in Photo/ Video. He often spends entire days working on editing videos or making 3D art as a hobby."


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