The Unit Publicist

Whether you know what a PR professional does or agree with what they do, there is one type of publicist you may not recognize but you’ll most likely love: the unit publicist.

 I think it’s safe to assume we all have a favorite movie. Even your favorite movie and that one movie you can’t stand having something in common. Each production had a unit publicist on the set. Crossing a bit over into marketing, a unit publicist plays many roles on the set of a film. Overall, their job is to generate excitement and publicity about a production or film. They work with producers to plan all press and control the amount of coverage on a film that takes place.

 In a way, they are the middleman between a production and the media. They schedule set visits for journalists, make sure they know actors and directors’ availability so they can schedule interviews, and on the more traditional side of things, they write press releases regarding shooting dates, casting details, and general information regarding the production.  

 When it comes to communicating with their external publics, social media comes into play. If you are a frequent social media user, you have probably seen paid promo for a movie or tv show. A unit publicist ensures that information about the film such as trailers and release dates, get communicated to audiences. They even chose how much content people get to see before a film is released which if you ask me is a lot of power to hold. They create press packs for films, collaborate on what to include in EPKs (Electronic Press Kits), and largely shape an audience’s perception of an upcoming film.

 Whether this sounds like a job that may interest you or you simply learned something new today, the unit publicist plays an important role in the type of entertainment we all consume.

Bio: My name is Milana Hale, and I am the founder and CEO of the music event company Plurific Presents. I am graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism with an emphasis in Public Relations and will soon start my Master’s degree journey in Music Industry Administration.


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