Waste: A Huge Issue to Tackle in the World of Beauty PR

By Jocelyn Castaneda | November 10, 2021

If you weren’t already aware, the hype of products in the beauty industry lies at the hands of influencers. On just about any social media platform, hundreds of thousands of videos can be found of beauty gurus unboxing what seems like an endless amount of product that they were either paid to show off, or that were simply gifted to them for free. Sure, a lot of these packages are pretty and momentarily exciting to open, but their aftermath is detrimental to the planet and that sad fact is rarely ever discussed- so let’s talk about it. 

For starters, there are only so many products a single person can use. With haircare, makeup and skincare products being consistently launched, influencers receive both numerous and outrageous packages on a daily basis that sometimes include a single product, but most commonly include an entire collection. On top of creating immense amounts of waste, the packaging is sometimes unable to be recycled and the large majority of PR gifted products tend to go untouched because there’s always something better on the verge of release. The competition amongst brands is definitely one of the main contributing factors, as their products and packaging continue to get larger and more extravagant in an attempt to top one another. 

To say that the beauty industry is sustainable is far more than an overstatement. In order to find tiny products that are sometimes only half as good as their presentation, one must dig through layers of boxes, bubble wrap, tissue and crinkle paper, foam inserts and tape.

In the long run, the perks of being an influencer will not outweigh their negative effects on the Earth. Rather than competing with one another, companies should unanimously get on board with a plan to implement sustainability and have products speak for themselves. Consumers should also change their expectations of packaging and learn to be content with practicality because the planet is suffering as is and the beauty industry is a significant perpetrator in the category of waste production. Less is definitely more and as a society, we must learn to accept that for the sake of the environment’s future.

Author’s Bio: Jocelyn Castaneda is a senior student at CSUN working towards her degree in Journalism- Public Relations with a minor in Interactive Marketing. Being that she loves all things makeup, haircare and skincare, she hopes to pursue a career in beauty PR post-graduation. When she’s not shopping online for the latest beauty product to try out, she’s either shelving books at CSUN’s University Library or playing barista simulator at Starbucks in order to fund those expenses. During her free time, she’ll most definitely be binge watching the latest docuseries, playing video games, walking her dog or taking a nap. 

Photo By: Laura Lee


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