Developing Your Network in the New Virtual Era

By Arianna Delgado | September 29, 2021

“Networking!” - It’s the answer we constantly hear when asking any professional what skills are important to master. While it may seem cliche, the skill of networking is key in the field of public relations, when so much of the role is built on cultivating strong relationships over time. Clients will eventually have to trust that you have the network to accomplish their goals and deliver results, and you’ll need to tap into that network to get the job done. There’s no better time to start building your network than now.

Get Involved In Class and on Campus

Networking doesn’t just involve professionals and those outside of campus - the students you interact with every day are just as important as those who have been in the field for years. View each collaborative opportunity in class as one for networking. Your fellow students are people who are interested in the same field, and working towards similar goals for after graduation. They are people you can lean on during your future job-search, when you're nervous about an upcoming interview or discussing pay for your first professional role. Don’t count your classmates out! Include them in your network and establish good relationships with them because you may be working alongside them someday.

Joining a club is another great way to virtually expand your network. Whether your interest lies in PR, journalism or marketing, there is a club for each interest on campus. Being an active member in PRSSA has not only helped me find my passion in this field, but it has been a large part in expanding my academic and professional network. Our community of alumni are always eager to help student members in their career aspirations. Being that they were once in our shoes, they appreciate when students make an effort to connect with them.

Utilize Social Media

This one is a given - everyone is on social media today and it is the perfect place to network in a virtual era. LinkedIn is a great platform for all things networking and career-fueling. The site allows users to tap into their wide network all in one place. Be sure to update your profile with any new experiences, awards or certificates, and a description of who you are and what you do. Stay active on LinkedIn and interact with your connections often so that your profile isn’t dead. Following and connecting with journalists and other professionals on Twitter is another amazing way to expand your network. It will make your timeline super interesting too!

Participate in Virtual Events 

While there aren’t tons of live, in-person speaker events being held today due to the pandemic, that doesn’t mean they’re not happening. Many professionals are still getting involved in career panels, workshops and discussions, which are often free for students to attend! Actually, the switch to virtual meetings has made it easier for many to attend these events from afar (you can totally join an event in New York from your home in California!). The next time you get an email advertising a free PR webinar, go ahead and RSVP and give it a shot. You will gain incredible career insight while making amazing connections.  

PRSSA holds biweekly speaker events for its members, where professionals from a variety of backgrounds share their experiences and allow for questions and advice. Afterwards, students are able to connect with these PR trailblazers on LinkedIn and immediately gain a new connection in the field. It’s as simple as that! 


While networking may appear a little different these days, it is still just as important as ever. Putting yourself out there can seem daunting at first, but with practice it will become second nature. Now go join a club, fix up that LinkedIn profile, sign up for a webinar and get to networking!


Author’s Bio: Arianna Delgado is a senior at Cal State Northridge studying Journalism with a focus in Public Relations and a minor in Popular Culture Studies. She currently serves as the Vice President for CSUN’s chapter of PRSSA. Arianna’s interests are in sports, film and music, and she hopes to eventually work in PR for a record label or streaming platform.



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