The PR World’s New Normal

By Sophia Kandah | October 6, 2021

Imagine staying home for nearly an entire year without any social interaction. You don’t have to! We did. Ever since the pandemic began in March 2020, the world has experienced an astonishing amount of change and has had to adapt in numerous ways. Many of us spent almost an entire year indoors and without social interaction outside of our immediate households. Normal conversations now center around vaccines, physical distancing, virtual events, and remote work. This is our “new normal” and it does not seem like this will be changing any time soon.

Not only has the way we live our daily lives changed, but so has the way we conduct business. Businesses and industries all over the world are having to adapt to this “new normal”. In an ever changing industry like public relations, it is especially important to be ahead of the curve and anticipate what the landscape will look like in the near and far future. As PR professionals, it is necessary to understand how the industry has changed within the past year, so we may anticipate where it will go.


Virtual Events Are Here To Stay 

The most obvious change to the industry is how we work. More and more companies, like Twitter, Google, and Microsoft, have completely reverted to remote work and do not expect any of their employees to return to the office even after the pandemic passes.This trend has carried over to the PR industry. In the past, colleagues may have interacted with each other on a daily basis. Now communication primarily takes place virtually, which may make building and maintaining professional connections even more difficult. Events are taking place virtually, too. Since individuals were encouraged to stay home, film screenings, concerts, and more have been hosted virtually. This is an extremely notable change in an industry where large social gatherings were once the norm.


Socially Conscious Shifts 

Some may say COVID-19 was a catalyst for great social change. As a result, people have become more socially aware and concerned about public health and safety. This shift in consumer behavior towards social consciousness is present in how consumers are allocating their time or money towards certain products. By employing two-way communication and listening to our audience, we can understand how to craft messaging and ensure that brand messaging is inclusive, so as to not alienate consumers. 

In an ever changing landscape like the PR industry, it is important to stay on top of trends. With a move towards increased digitalization, social awareness, and inclusivity in the age of COVID-19, PR practitioners need to adapt to this “new normal” if they want to stay on top! 


Author’s Bio: Sophia Kandah is a graduating senior at California State University, Northridge receiving her bachelor’s in Journalism with an emphasis on Public Relations. Sophia is extremely excited about graduating and aspires to build a career within the entertainment industry as a PR professional. 


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