Diversifying PR

Over 70% of people who are Public Relations professionals are white. 10.5% are Latino and 8.7% are African American according to Zippia’s statistics.

There are more people of color in the United States now more than ever. That means that consumers are far more diverse culturally and ethnically than ever before. So why are the people who are catering to these publics overwhelmingly white?

The lack of diversity in the Public Relations profession limits the agency in understanding and meeting their client’s needs and their client’s audience. It also creates a disconnect between the client and their audience.

So why aren’t people of color being hired? Is it because companies are not seeking to diversify their business? Or could it be that Public Relations isn’t a career that’s introduced to communities of color? Truthfully, it could be both. I didn’t find out about Public Relations until I was 20. In high school, I only knew of the basic careers. From what my parents told me I could be a doctor, lawyer, police officer or politician. I found out about media and communications in college. I have the privilege of getting a higher education and that’s where my realm of possibilities expanded tremendously. What about those who choose not to pursue higher education? They don’t have a chance because they aren’t given the opportunity to know about all the choices they have. If we do not take the time to talk to kids in grade school about their options we won’t be able to diversify the Public Relations profession.

We need to introduce this so we can not only diversify the profession but to show representation. Representation matters because it inspires others to pursue possibilities they might not have considered before.

It also hurts Public Relations professionals and agencies to lack diversity because they can’t truly understand what their audiences want if they don’t have people from their communities to advocate for them. If the professionals at an agency are predominately white and are catering to a Latino audience. Chances are there could be something missing or at least executed better. They can’t know that because their own experiences limit them. Variety is the spice of life and it benefits everyone involved to have a team of individuals with different backgrounds and cultures to share their perspectives in order to accomplish what needs to be done. Public relations is a team effort and our team needs more color.


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