Why PR is Important in The Fashion Industry

With the fashion industry being one of the fastest-moving industries globally, there is an underlying machine that keeps its pulse beating. While we have designers who create beautiful clothes, the stylists who style the clothes and the models and celebrities who wear them, we also have the public relations showrooms that tie all the pieces together. 

Before working at a PR fashion showroom myself, I had always known that in the future, I wanted to work in PR, and I wanted to work in fashion. But I had no clue how those two interests would tie together. I did know it was possible, but there was never a clear answer as to how. 

I’ve discovered just how vital PR is to the fashion industry. It comprises several moving parts, and public relations is what connects all the pieces together. You may think people are aware of fashion’s latest trends and clothing collections through the media, and while this is true, it is more complex than that. 

When a journalist attends a fashion show, they are usually invited by someone working in public relations for the clothing brand. Not only was the journalist invited by a publicist, but the public relations professionals also played a part in coordinating the show itself along with inviting other celebrities and influencers to the show itself. By inviting journalists, celebrities and influencers, a designer’s clothing brand has gained a significant amount of publicity in news publications and social media. 

Fashion shows aside, public relations agencies also help clothing brands gain greater recognition by being somewhat of the middle man between the brand they represent and their public (stylists, influencers etc.) It is up to public relations specialists to decide how the brand they represent can earn publicity in the media and social media. One way someone working in public relations would connect the pieces between a clothing brand, a stylist, and the media is by providing a stylist a clothing piece suited for an event a stylist’s client is attending. With the stylist's client usually being a well-known celebrity, the public relations specialist has successfully helped gain the clothing brand more publicity. Especially when the paparazzi and news outlets at the event the celebrity is attending come into play. 

From gifting, helping provide stylists clothing for their clients to throwing amazing events, public relations is an essential part to help keep the fashion industry moving and thriving as quickly as possible. 

Bio: Sadie Huntley is a junior at California State University Northridge with a major in journalism and public relations. She is also minoring in apparel merchandising. It is currently Sadie’s third year on the Dean’s Honoree List, and she is also one of CSUN’s Sustainable Fashion Ambassadors. Currently, Sadie works as a showroom assistant at a fashion public relations showroom Walker Drawas in West Hollywood. Sadie hopes to continue her career in the fashion industry while working in all aspects of public relations. 


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