The Art of Event Planning: A Guide For A Successful Event

November 7, 2020 | by Kimberly Belcher

Congratulations!! You have just been given the opportunity to produce an event for your client. Not sure where to start?  We’ve got you covered with a simple guide to event planning. 

First thing’s first, understand your objective. You want to have a clear understanding of why you are hosting the event and what you hope to gain from it. Once you know your objective, think of creative ways to make it happen. This is where the real fun happens. 

Next, carefully think through every area of your event.  Does the location of your event fit all of your needs, will it align with your objective? Does it offer enough entry and exit points? Will there be parking or valet? How will the food and seating arrangements be?  Where will the check in be for you guests? Take time to fully think about what you need for the event and the most efficient way to make it happen. 

Pro tip- Media and vendors should have their own check in areas. 

After you’ve dreamed up this amazing event, put it to work. Draft an accurate budget estimate for the event. Beware of unnecessary expenses. Pick and choose where to safely cutback in order to allocate funds elsewhere.  Carefully select vendors for the event. Do they fit in with the objective as well as your budget? 

Create a timeline starting with the date and time of the event and work backwards. Decide what needs to be in place and by when. 

Pay close attention to detail. Keep an event log that lists all vendors, contracts, invoices, etc. related to the event so that someone with no knowledge of the event is able to look at it and know what has been done. Be flexible. There are tons of things that can go wrong, but remain calm. Have backup plans in place. If that’s not possible, find a workaround, there’s always at least one.

Stay on top of things. Be available for your staff and others to reach. Make sure to promptly return calls regarding the event. Listen and address concerns and suggestions in a timely manner.

The big day is here and guess what, you killed it! Everyone had a great time and the work is now done. Not quite. Send out thank you letters to those who attended the event, including media and vendors. Recap your event with your team and your clients. Did you meet your objective for the event? Discuss the event overall as you pull out strengths as well as opportunities for improvement. Make notes for yourself to use in the future. 

Know that there’s no exact science to event planning and not every is going to be perfect (it’s very important that you understand that part), however if you incorporate the tips that we just discussed, I’m sure your event will be a success.  With time and experience, each one will be better than the last.  Now go off and create something amazing. You’ve got this!  


Kimberly Belcher is a journalist, public relations consultant and president of the Power Up LA Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Since 2012, she has worked with children and teens throughout Los Angeles County by finding education and financial resources to assist them and their families. As she completes her bachelor's degree in public relations, she plans to combine her formal education with her love of helping others to change how nonprofit organizations, specifically the media relations within them, are viewed by younger audiences. Her plans include media workshops, mentorships with current professionals and internships at organizations with the final goal of increasing community engagement between nonprofits and the next generation of leaders.


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